Monday, March 30, 2009


The Red Swing Project was started with the intention of infusing an element of playfulness in an increasingly complicated urban environment.
"The Red Swing serves to remind the passerby of the joys of simplicity, inviting them to let go and be a child for a moment. Placed in different settings the Red plank of wood takes on different meanings. A tribute to the spirit of Childhood. A monument of simple playfulness. A marker of optimism in the fall of despair or simply an object for children to play on. "

After reading this I had to go find the swing! I found it! It is located in the Menil District in Houston. The kids had a blast on it. I couldn't really take my usual million photos because Adults were waiting for their turn on The RED Swing! :)

I found myself tearing up while editing these pictures because the swing with all its symbolism is also a reminder that our kids won't be kids forever. To cherish even the simplest of moments, like watching our children play on a Big Red Swing!


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