Friday, April 10, 2009

MY Met!

Sports photography is so fun it makes me want to run out and get a new lens, but then again what doesn't? I could always use a new lens!:)

This is my Nolan, he's 5 almost 6 and very serious about his t-ball career! Everyday he wakes up and the first thing he asks is if he has a game today. If not, how many more days till his next game. I hope he keeps the passion up cause I have a feeling he's gonna be pretty good.:)
SO anyways, I would love to take a million more photos of his t-ball but while he plays and his dad relaxes on the field;) I'm chasing after a wild 2 1/2 year old. The WHOLE time the dude won't sit. So therefor the pictures are limited. Probably for the best, there is such a thing as too many photo's ya know:)!!

click here to see The Mets Photo Gallery

On this day Nolan's team played Grayson's team! Such buds, its neat to think they met when they were two and look at em now! Next year they will start kindergarten together, I have feeling they will be life long friends!


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